Prologue to this Blogue

So then as follows are my duties here,
To often post up interesting things,
And if I can find none of those, ne'er fear,
I shall make up a number of doings,
To lend to your imaginations wings;
And if my scansion doth destroy your brain,
I can but lift my hands, and grasp and wring,
In anguish at the thought of causing pain,
When all I wanted was to please the lofty brain.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

On Byron's Don Juan

Something a little different (reading the news all the time is getting depressing):

To you, dear Byron, yes, to you I sing,
And heap upon you all the praise you're due,
Your dedication rare was quite the thing,
When that great epic Don was penned by you:
Though oft your metre left my head aching,
And your abuse of rhyme has made me blue.
But nonetheless I was in truth amused,
Despite the poetry that you've abused.

Although your satire proved to be mighty,
I wish you'd not made quite so good a jape,
For, sooth, in places, the poem hurts me,
As cry I must at how you rhythm rape.
(For an example, all of you can see
This poem here, where I the bottom scrape:
In mockery of mockery of rhyme,
Although this poem's quite after its time.)

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