Prologue to this Blogue

So then as follows are my duties here,
To often post up interesting things,
And if I can find none of those, ne'er fear,
I shall make up a number of doings,
To lend to your imaginations wings;
And if my scansion doth destroy your brain,
I can but lift my hands, and grasp and wring,
In anguish at the thought of causing pain,
When all I wanted was to please the lofty brain.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Arctic Affair

In regards to:

The snowmobiles ranged wide across the shelf,
Of country vast and empty; naught but ice,
Which coldly lingered, left alone with self,
Those men whose visit was like Eurydice,
A quickened sortie, over in a trice,
With one exception: they would soon return,
Not back to Hades, but to somewhere nice,
And leave the barren ice floes there behind,
Although the cracks in them left little peace of mind.

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