Prologue to this Blogue

So then as follows are my duties here,
To often post up interesting things,
And if I can find none of those, ne'er fear,
I shall make up a number of doings,
To lend to your imaginations wings;
And if my scansion doth destroy your brain,
I can but lift my hands, and grasp and wring,
In anguish at the thought of causing pain,
When all I wanted was to please the lofty brain.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Foldit: Solving Puzzles for Science.

Aghast by dreary news from every port,
I turn to something lighter for today,
An entertaining electronic sport,
And something that the youngest child could play,
But also can help researchers display,
The forms of proteins best to fight disease:
And if your protein puzzle wins the day,
And is rewarded by the Noble peers,
The Nobel Prize will be part yours, and earned with ease.

An interesting tool is what results,
With mind of man and ease of game combined,
And databases there to store results,
In cases a player successfully finds,
A combination that restores the minds,
Of people with Alzheimer's, or the cure,
For AIDS or Cancer, in their proteins binds,
And rid the body of all that's impure;
I think that many will be snagged by this game's lure.


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